Una splendida annata per l'olio extravergine di oliva di Busulmona

A splendid year for Busulmona extra virgin olive oil

The new 2019 oil is a product capable of giving your dishes depth and thickness. A cool spring, a warm and long autumn: this is why Busulmona extra virgin olive oil will be the protagonist of your dishes.

We grow olive trees according to the centuries-old tradition of our island, with the care and passion that binds us to the land and its seasons. Our olive trees are grown according to organic cultivation practices , without the use of pesticides and with low environmental impact . Let's find out more about this precious food.

How to recognize a new quality oil?

When purchasing extra virgin olive oil you must read the label carefully. Our oil comes from the meeting of Moresca and Nocellara del Belice ; the DOP Monti Iblei brand guarantees its origin. After milling, which takes place a few hours after the olive harvest, the oil extraction takes place cold and in a continuous cycle to preserve the integrity of the fruit's fibers, without any addition of water to avoid the loss of polyphenolic substances : a real panacea for health.

Sometimes , however, the label is not enough to guarantee its quality and the olfactory component must be evaluated : the oil must have a scent reminiscent of olives , freshly cut grass, tomato, artichoke, apple or almond. This is why we are sure of our product and we assure you that it will bring the flavor and smell of our land to your dishes.

Why does new oil sting?

Bitter , spicy and fruity , these are the three qualities that a good new oil must have to be considered a quality product that guarantees all its health properties such as oleuropein and oleocanthal . Hold it on the palate and tongue for 20 seconds to cause the aroma to evaporate and swallow, only in this way can you really savor the taste of the new oil.

What to eat with new oil?

Harmonious and intense at the same time: our oil is perfect on legume dishes, soups, meat , to season typical bruschetta, salads or fish raw or to give character to even the simplest ones such as cooked vegetables . There are so many recipes that enhance olive oil, there is no need to limit your imagination in the kitchen.

Where to store new oil?

Our advice is to avoid subjecting extra virgin olive oil to high temperatures . The bottle of new Busulmona oil must be stored away from heat sources and preferably in a dark place with a temperature that varies between 11 and 16 degrees . Furthermore, it is good practice to open a bottle and close it immediately after use to avoid prolonged contact with air. Unlike wine, in fact, oil has no preservatives so if it is left open it oxidizes.

All you have to do is buy your Sicilian juice and enrich your food with the new Busulmona oil which with just a few clicks you can receive directly to your home .

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