Olio dop busulmona

Our DOP Monti Iblei oil meets schools at the tenth anniversary of Volalibro

Being part of a territory means guarding it, protecting it and enhancing it: in a word, living it consciously, with conscience and responsibility; what is not an asset for our personal use but an inheritance that continually flows into other hands.

For a company, especially an agricultural one, this means first of all respecting the land with its daily work, but also establishing a relationship with its community and above all with the citizens who represent its future.

Our participation in the tenth edition of Volalibro - Festival of culture for children goes precisely in this direction, the initiative that for 10 years has involved schools in the province of Syracuse with workshops, round tables and shows that place future generations at the centre, stimulating curiosity, manual skill and critical spirit.

On Tuesday 13 March 2018, thanks to the workshop "VENDICARI, A WALK THROUGH HISTORY, NATURE AND FLAVOURS", organized in collaboration with MAALESA Excursions and Reputation Lab , we had the pleasure of introducing and tasting our extra oil, like true experts virgin olive oil DOP Monti Iblei to 50 children between middle and primary schools.

Why talk about oil, and why to such young children?

We did it because we think that one of the greatest investments towards future generations is education on healthy eating; educating their palate to recognize the genuineness of a product such as extra virgin olive oil means giving value to the work of those who produce it with commitment and respect, but also giving children the tools to begin to be aware consumers.

The children's genuine and unfiltered welcome repaid us for our commitment.

They will bring with them some green gold that we have bottled for this special day; knowing it on their tables will be the best reward.

Thanks to those who accompanied us in this experience and to Volalibro for the opportunity to tell the citizens of the future about the territory and the products that make it unique in the world.

DOP busulmona oil

If you also want to relive the taste of south-eastern Sicily on your table wherever you are, order a bottle of our DOP Monti Iblei extra virgin olive oil recently mentioned among the 20 best oils in Sicily by Dissapore: it will be able to tell you secrets that not even you imagined.

Discover all the products of our Busulmona farm on our e-commerce , and come and taste them just outside Vendicari at our refreshment point to add an extra touch of taste to a wonderful day discovering nature and the history of Oasis.

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